Smiling Pet Angels

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Ralph, Buzz, Stella, Winnie, & Auggie

From left to right, top to bottom : Ralph, Buzz, Stella, Winnie, and Auggie are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 11/28/2023, 10/29/2023, 10/29/2023, 09/18/2022, and 08/11/2023 respectively.


The past few months have been filled with a lot of loss. First, Winnie passed away unexpectedly. Then Stella and Buzz left together, which was planned due to their ongoing health complications. Finally, Ralph got sick very fast and passed this morning. I feel honored to have known them all. Fostering and rescuing rats is one of my life’s purposes.


👀 Click here to see Ralph, Buzz, Stella, Winnie, and Auggie with friends