Smiling Pet Angels

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Punkie & Chloe

From left to right : Punkie and Chloe. They are from the same family.


“Dear Punkie and Chloe,

We miss you more than words can describe, but you two had a special bond and it brings us joy to know that you are back together now. You were an irreplaceable part of our lives and we will never forget the incredible moments we shared together.

Punkie, while you came into our lives to be a companion for only child Jennie, you also became a part of the family. Despite your short time here, you truly made the most of it and brought a smile to anyone's face that you came across with your soulful eyes, prominent underbite, and human-like qualities. We will never forget how much you loved to sing along to "Happy Birthday" and "Tomorrow," and go for a swim in the lake. Shortly after you came home to us, we dog sat for a guest who never quite made it back to her original home.

Chloe, we were so happy with how well you fit into our family and it meant the world to us to give you a better life. You were the greatest cuddle buddy and a loving sweetheart. You and Punkie are the best of friends and watching you together always brought so much happiness to us.
Thank you for your unconditional love and for leaving pawprints on our hearts.

We love you!
Mommy and Sissy”

—Jennie & Michele

👀 Click here to see Punkie and Chloe with friends