Smiling Pet Angels

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Prince Java & Sunshine

From left to right : Prince Java, Sunshine. They are from the same family.


“Java was an amazing boy who brought love to the lives of everyone who knew him. He was a survivor of a bad car accident and I nursed him to health, from there our bond grew. His best friend and brother Buddy was by his side every single day, they spent their time basking in the sun, play fighting and cuddling. Life will never be the same without him. We still miss you every day Java but I know we will see you again sooner or later!

Sunshine was raised from a chick with her sister Spiest. Spiest has passed long ago but Sunshine went on to live a very happy life as a single chick. She loved to chase us, she was the sassiest girl around! She was very mischievous, frequently visiting the neighbors’ yard for fruit. I will never forget peeping around the corner of the yard every day to watch her look back and see if I was coming out. Sweet Sunshine brought the most beautiful light to our lives and we will miss her dearly. She is with her sister now though and I know they are running after each other eating all the grapes they can find!” —Lala Leal

👀 Click here to see Prince Java and Sunshine with friends