Smiling Pet Angels

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Millie, Sweet Pea, Chickadee, & Penelope

Left to right : Millie, Sweet Pea, Chickadee, and Penelope are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 02/10/2022, 05/04/2020, 12/04/2020, and 03/05/2021, respectively.


My first rat was Sweet Pea and she was the reason why I fell in love with rats. As her name implies, she was the sweetest girl and I think about her from time to time. Chickadee was the complete opposite of Sweet Pea, didn’t like to be held that much but did really like to play and run around. She loved her cheese. They both really liked to snuggle in my sweatshirt pocket together. Penelope was adventurous when she was young and always tried to find a way out of her cage, she was a little sneak but I loved her unconditionally. She eventually settled down when she was older and became a lap rat which I very much enjoyed. Lastly, Millie was given to me by a friend of mine who developed allergies and could no longer care for her. I took her in with no question and we bonded instantly. Her cage mates were also very accepting of her. She loved snuggling with them in hammocks and loved her goldfish crackers. It really isn’t fair that rats have such short lifespans and so much love to give. I think about my girls every so often and hope that they are at peace.


👀 Click here to see Millie, Sweet Pea, Chickadee, and Penelope with friends