Smiling Pet Angels

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Mashed Potato & Reepicheep

Left to right : Mashed Potato and Reepicheep came to Rainbow Bridge on 05/08/2022 and 04/18/2022, respectively.


Mashed potato was a big chunky boy. He loved to sit on our shoulders and cuddle. He was the sweetest rat I have ever known, my entire heart and soul. He will be dearly missed by many.

—Emily and Damian


My rat, Reepicheep, was my everything. I rescued him as a baby, but in reality he rescued me. I had bad PTSD after an extremely abusive ex and would have regular PTSD attacks causing me to have major stress, often cry, and even run around the house in the middle of the night out of fear for my safety. After I took him in he'd know when they happened and reach his little paw out every time to offer aid. When I picked him up, he'd hold my face and lick me until I calmed down. Over time, this stopped them from happening entirely. We spent every single day together and would have weekly "dates" where I'd get some of his favorite foods to-go and we'd eat at the park together after a run.
From our walks in the park, to cuddle time, to helping me heal, my Reepicheep changed my life. He was my hero.


👀 Click here to see Mashed Potato and Reepicheep with friends