Smiling Pet Angels

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Jacko, Diotima, & Peep

From left to right : Jacko, Diotima, and Peep are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge in mid 2017, on 05/18/2018, and 11/16/2020 respectively.


“Diotima was such a curious little tortoise, and was taken away much too soon. We only had her for about a year but I absolutely adored her. She loved her leafy greens and would even eat from our hands :( It was such a delight to see her little tortoise legs waddle everywhere. I miss you every day bb Dio <3

Jacko was the family bird and was SUCH a sweet talker. We taught him how to wolf whistle and he'd do it to everyone that would walk by his cage!!! We had you for so long til we had to rehome you where you passed peacefully at Auntie's house. We miss your little squawks! <33

I only got to know Peep for a day—my brother had rescued this poor little budgie from the streets, and I gave Peep all the care I could. I hoped so hard that Peep would make it through the night, but I suppose all that bought time ran out... Peep, you were such a patient, cuddly bird, and were so trusting of the random strangers that took you in. In a perfect world we would've been together for years, instead of just a single day. I hope you get to meet Jacko and Dio at the rainbow bridge and eat all the seeds and fruits you want. <3” —Li

👀 Click here to see Jacko, Diotima, and Peep with friends