Smiling Pet Angels

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Gracy, Marley, & Mack

Left to right : Gracy, Marley, and Mack. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 04/22/2021, 06/19/2020, and 03/11/2022, respectively.


Gracy was a super loving, unusually empathetic dog who loved everyone. She had so much personality she never ceased to amaze me how goofy and funny she was. She was a very special girl who was loved by everyone she met.



Marley was one of our two puppies we kept from my daughters litter of nine from her dog. He was a big baby and loved to cuddle, he would also just fall back into ur lap and lay on you. We came home one day to him and his brother covered in flour along with the house. They also locked themselves in the bathroom and were covered in purple hair dye for months. He was the best dog.

—Tammi Ava Hannah Matt


Mack, you were small enough to pick up and cuddle yet you had us wrapped around your paws. We lived in your home and lived by your schedule. To no surprise, you filled our hearts with so much love and laughter. Today things are different. It is still your home. I still look at the time when it’s time for breakfast, treats, park, dinner. But there is silence and somehow this silence is loud. Thankfully, even tho you are not physically here with us, all of our memories run through our mind and just like that you feel closer to us. You somehow come back to us and it’s not that quiet anymore. We hold on to these moments. The fact is you were never small to us. You remain everything to us. Thank you for everything.

—Aimee & Daniel Lopez

👀 Click here to see Gracy, Marley, and Mack with friends