Smiling Pet Angels

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Boba, Taro, Pudding, & Jelly

Left to right : Boba, Taro, Pudding, and Jelly are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 02/06/2022, 01/11/2021, 05/26/2021, and 11/21/2021, respectively.


They were, and always will be, our precious bean-boys. Always there at the start of every morning when we got up, happy to see us off. Always there at the end of a hard day's work, waiting to be spoiled with affection and to help lift our spirits. They each sent us a rainbow the day after they had passed, letting us know they were waiting beyond. So now every time we see a rainbow, we know it's a message from them saying hello or telling us to never give up.

—Stella & Franklin

👀 Click here to see Boba, Taro, Pudding, and Jelly with friends